03 September 2021

Ernst Wolff talk at (fringes of) Davos

[My translation]

US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, “In politics, nothing happens by chance. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” When we look back over what has transpired in the last year and a half, this quote becomes particularly alarming. Can it really be true that everything we’ve seen really was planned? 

I want to state this clearly right at the start: I cannot produce any definitive proof of a plan, for example in the form of verified documents. But after having intensively followed the events of the last 18 months, I am compelled to say that there is an overwhelming number of signs and clues pointing in precisely this direction. Today, I would like to talk about them and their ramifications.

The situation we currently find ourselves in is unique in history. Never before has such a large percentage of humanity been subjected to such a coercive global regime as now. And never before have so many measures been enacted that appear – at first glance – so confusing, at times so nonsensical, and just as often contradictory. 

Officially, we are confronted with the most serious health crisis there ever was. But the measures enacted in response have not improved the situation. Rather, they have continually made it worse. Every doctor could confirm today that the health of the majority of humanity is worse than before the crisis. And even from the perspective of those who enacted the measures, the results are shambolic. The allegedly threatening “fourth wave” and pronouncements demanding third, fourth and fifth injections reveal that all previous measures have failed utterly in their objective. 

And this is far from the whole story.

We are also confronted, as a direct consequence of the lockdowns, with a severe global economic crisis. Production is slowing in every corner of the world, the logistics industry is on its knees, supply chains are broken, harvests are failing, and we face food and – critically important to a number of industries – semiconductor shortages. 

But here too we see these problems not being addressed and solved. Instead, we see their exacerbation and proliferation via further measures and the threat of yet more restrictions. A recent example: In China, the world’s third largest port was closed because of a single port worker who tested positive. Or in New Zealand: Last week, five million people we placed under lockdown because one single 58 year old tested positive.

Another crisis impacts the middle classes, who are by a large margin responsible for most employment world wide, as well as the source of most government tax revenue. The middle classes, thanks to ceaselessly fomented uncertainty and the continuous introduction of new regulations, are having their backs pressed ever harder against the wall, week by week. This is the deepest crisis they have ever faced.

But all this is still far from the whole story.

We are also in the midst of a rapid increase in global inflation, particularly in raw materials, production prices, and food. And here too we see no corrective responses; the opposite is true. The money faucet is kept open, indeed, the flow is accelerating. States and central banks have poured almost $20 trillion into global money circuits, and there appears to be no end in sight. The IMF – the most powerful financial organisation in the world – is printing $650 billion dollars this coming Monday in SDRs (special drawing rights), the most it has ever generated.

The social situation is no better. Just one example: In the US – the world’s largest economy – four million people are threatened with forced eviction because they cannot pay their rent or mortgage. More than ten times that number – remember, we’re talking about the wealthiest economy in the world – cannot feed themselves from their income. And that which the deliberate destruction of the economy and accelerating inflation have not achieved has been left to our politicians: dividing the people at an unprecedented scale.

And now, perhaps as the cherry on the top of this heaped cake, we witness the USA deliberately abscond from Afghanistan. The Taliban have been allowed to inherit military equipment worth $20 billion: one complete air force and 11 air-force support stations, which will with absolute certainty trigger the next massive refugee crisis.

Why? That’s the question on everyone’s lips. Why have measures been taken across the planet that bring in their wake one disaster after the other, sinking humanity ever deeper into crisis, rather than lifting it from its suffering?

To answer this question, we have to ask two additional questions: Whose vested interests are served by this global agenda? Who profits from it?

The answer to both questions is clear. The largest beneficiary of the current crisis and the most important power player behind the scenes is the digital-financial complex: a sort of interest group headed by the largest IT companies and financial concerns of our time. Among those largest IT companies are Apple, Alphabet (Google’s holding company), Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook. The market value of these five companies alone currently stands at an unimaginable $9.1 trillion. By way of comparison, the combined GDP of France, Germany and Italy totals $8.6 trillion. In addition to these large financial companies, we have the financial giants: BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity. They are all significantly involved in all major IT players, and not only that. These four alone currently manage funds totalling $22.6 trillion. By way of comparison, the combined 2020 GDP of the EU’s 28 member countries was $15.7 trillion.

But it isn’t just the monstrous financial might of the digital-financial complex that gives it so much power. Let’s first take a look at the IT companies. They don’t only have great market power themselves, they also control hundreds of thousands of other companies by controlling how they digitise. This means they have continual access to those companies’ data flows. The IT industry is nothing other than a tumour that, over the course of recent years, has metastasised in all branches of the economy and made them dependent upon it. It now controls them completely.

The financial powers look no different. They control stakes in all large companies worldwide and can move any market anywhere in any direction they choose. The largest of their number, BlackRock, possesses a data-analysis system (“Aladdin”), now more than 40 years old, which represents the largest source of financial data the world has ever seen. With this data, BlockRock advises the world’s largest central banks from behind the scenes: the Federal Reserve and the ECB. It should be clear from the enormous advantage “Aladdin” gives BlackRock, who depends on whom. 

We are thus looking at an historically unique mixture of accumulated financial power connected to discretionary power over an unimaginably comprehensive data pool. From the beginning of the crisis, this combination has helped these companies to grow as never before. And not only that, the rate of growth continues to accelerate. In the last quarter alone – April, May and June 2021 – these companies have recorded the largest profits in their histories. 

In view of these facts, we don’t need much imagination to conclude that the digital-financial complex is the centre of power around which everything else revolves. The digital-financial complex stands far above all governments and can, at any time it chooses, force any cabinet on earth to its knees, and make it compliant. 

But we must now examine the methods used by the digital-financial complex since the crisis began, for it looks at first glance as if it is destroying the very ground beneath it, and from which it profits. A couple of examples: Should the digital-financial complex destroy the middle class, it would destroy its own life source; the middles classes pay the most taxes and create the most jobs. And if, additionally, it drives inflation ever higher, it would then be damaging itself too. And if it causes increasing social unrest through extremes of inequality, it poisons the soil that sustains its business. 

These are reasonable objections. But they fail to account for reality as it is.

Reality looks much more like this: The digital-financial complex has no other option than to do precisely what it is currently doing. What we are witness to is not some agenda typed out at someone’s desk that details how to accumulate yet more money and power, and then, finally, to lean back and enjoy its pleasures in peace. What we are witnessing is a terrible act of desperation, likely the largest in human history. Its roots lie in the harsh fact that the system on which the digital-financial complex depends can no longer be sustained with methods that were successful the past. In fact, this complex had been face to face with its own demise as long ago as the 2007-8 financial crisis. Had governments at that time not mobilised enormous sums of money, had they not instructed central banks to create even greater amounts out of thin air, the system would have collapsed. And yet the rescue was short lived. The amount of money needed grew and grew over the course of the next 12 years, interest rates had to be lowered again and again. In other words, the system had to be made more and more unstable. This vector cannot be sustained indefinitely.

Last year, its time was up.

In March 2020, the next collapse was imminent. It was postponed again, though for the last possible time, by a power move involving lowering rates to zero and injecting trillions – not billions – of dollars. However, the act brought into being a wholly new situation, qualitatively speaking. Kicking the can down the road again would require driving interest rates into negative territory; a move that would destroy the current banking system. Banks cannot survive over the long term on negative interest rates. In other words, another kick of the can using the same strategy will not happen. One might, at most, inject trillions upon trillions of dollars more, but with the result that inflation – already alarmingly overheated – would accelerate into hyperinflation.

The situation in which the digital-financial system finds itself, then, is a choice between financial collapse, or hyperinflation. In other words, the total devaluation of money. That means we find ourselves in an historical moment where the digital-financial complex, [trapped] in the framework of the current system, can only choose between two different modes of collapse. 

What to do?

Obviously, the digital-financial complex opted for a new system and installation thereof as a two-pronged strategy. On the one hand, the complex is constructing a new system behind the scenes, out of public sight. On the other and simultaneously, it is using the system’s demise to plunder what remains by any and all means possible. This is exactly what we have been witnessing since March 2020; the deliberate and knowingly initiated destruction of the world economy with the sole objective of self enrichment, while installing a new system with central-bank assistance and in cooperation with the IT giants.

We already know what this new system is going to look like. It involves the complete removal of cash and banks in their current form, and the introduction of digital central-bank money. The final goal appears to be that each one of us will have but one single account over which all transactions will be registered. And this account will no longer be hosted at a commercial bank, but at the central bank.

The background of this plan is as follows. Digital central-bank money is programmable. Because central banks can create unlimited amounts of money out of nothing, one could in fact introduce negative interest rates without destroying the system. But this is not the only property of digital central-bank money. It would enable the state to monitor all transactions, to assign each of us different tax rates, as well as charge us with customised penalties. The state could, in certain circumstances, hand out money with different expiry dates and force us to spend certain amounts of it within certain timeframes. It could also hand out money for specific purposes, command us to spend particular amounts for specific ends in specific regions. But above all, the state would be able to disconnect every one of us from all payment streams with simple mouse click. In other words, financially deactivate us.

Digital central-bank money would be the most effective tool of social control ever to have existed in human history, and thus no more or less than the installation of an all-encompassing dictatorship brought into being by means of a new money system. 

But the whole enterprise has an enormous problem: the foreseeable resistance of the people. We can be certain that a large percentage of humanity will simply not accept such disempowerment; introduction of digital central-bank money would lead to massive disruption and unrest. And it is exactly this factor that led the digital-financial complex to not choose the gradual, incremental introduction of digital central-bank money. They opted for the exact opposite: to cause unrest themselves by throwing societies into chaos, and then presenting digital central-bank money as the great solution, the means by which we can afford a universal basic income.

If you think this is some wild conspiracy theory conjured out of thin air, please recall precisely what we have experienced over the last 18 months. Under the pretext of going to war against a sickness, terrible, irreparable damage to health and economy has been wrought whose full consequences we have only just begun to feel. Meanwhile, the digital-financial complex works 24/7 to exacerbate the damage done. In parallel, social divisions are systematically deepened by driving new wedges between societies over and over again. All this leads us, purposefully, in one single direction: social unrest, followed by civil war … across the planet.

And all of it, according to all the information I have analysed, is so desired.

We are currently subjected to measures of every conceivable form, each designed to cause the greatest possible social chaos, so that, at the pinnacle of this chaos, we are to be presented with the panacea called universal basic income, which will transform maximal chaos into maximal control.

There is, it should also be pointed out, a second reason – as understood by the powerful – why a universal basic income must be installed. We find ourselves in the middle of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The coming years will bring the destruction of millions upon millions of jobs, all replaced by artificial intelligence; millions of consumers will no longer be able to consume as before. Demand for consumer products will collapse at an accelerating rate. And because the system is driven by consumption, the powerful must, to keep it going, arrest this downward spiral. This can only be accomplished by handing out money to the jobless. 

We can see that what we have experienced over the past 18 months, and continue to experience, is following a plan. This plan is essentially the deconstruction of the current system to the benefit of the elites, the creation of maximal economic and social chaos and the installation of a new system under the pretext of wanting to provide humanitarian aid.

By the way, you can read about this plan in two books – The Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset – by Klaus Schwab, whose World Economic Forum plays a pivotal role in this agenda. In the last 50 years, the WEF has succeeded in becoming the most important control centre of the digital-financial complex, initially by connecting business leaders, later politicians, and later still media creators and royal families, and also, in the 90s, defining their direction and focus.

We know today that, since 1992, the Global Leaders of Tomorrow, and since 2005 the Young Global Leaders, have been given a systematic and increasingly detailed education, and that it is precisely people from their number who operate the levers of power through this period. Whether that be Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, or Jack Marr from IT; whether BlackRock boss Larry Fink, IMF boss Kristalina Georgieva, or ex-Bank of England governor Mark Carney from the financial world; or whether Emanuel Macron, Sebastian Kurz, or Angela Merkel from politics, they were all either educated by the WEF, or sit on its steering committees. And it’s not only the 1,300 members of this group of tightly interconnected elites operating levers the world over; since 2012, over 10,000 under 30s – so-called Global Shapers – have been added, brought together by the WEF, and who now exercise their influence on world affairs in keeping with WEF objectives.

If you want to know what this plan looks like, I recommend taking a close look at Klaus Schwab’s works. And for those who still do not believe that everything we have experienced and continue to experience is following a plan, they should note the publication date of Schwab’s The Great Reset: the book appeared on 19 July 2020, and thus not quite four months after the start of the global lockdown. It contains precise instructions on how covid19 should be used to “creatively destroy” – Schwab’s words – and a build a new world. It should be noted that the human image he describes is reminiscent of the darkest aspects of national socialism.

I know all this sounds shocking, like a carefully prepared apocalypse. And indeed, the agenda being pursued here is obviously not only planned, but also almost unequalled in malice and insidiousness. Who could ever have guessed that the world would be brought to the edge of collapse under the pretext of protecting people from a disease? That people’s freedom of travel, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, and freedom of opinion would be withdrawn, that 100,000,000 people would be condemned to starvation, and all of it in the name of their alleged protection.

Who could have guessed that a blatant eugenicist by the name of Klaus Schwab would amass sufficient power not only to propagate his horrific vision for the fusion of humanity with artificial intelligence across the planet, but also to drive it forward with the help of tens of thousands? All of this is a profoundly disturbing development we currently live with, under which we all must suffer, and which must surely freeze the blood of every normal thinking and feeling person on earth.

But I come now to the most important message I have today. This historical moment has another dimension, a wholly different aspect, one that should, above all, give us great drive and energy for the demands the future will place on us. The elite plan and Klaus Schwab’s vision are doomed to fail … for several reasons.

The most important of these is that the narrative of the deadly virus that is an existential threat to humanity cannot be sustained indefinitely. We are already seeing how this house of lies is imploding all around us, and how, to keep it upright, ever more absurd arguments and ever more violent defamations are necessary. It is important to note on this point that the severity with which the media go about their daily business is testimony to its weakness, not its strength. Those who must resort to applying ever more pressure, to disseminating ever more grotesque lies – such as the pandemic of the unvaccinated –, who declare healthy people society’s number one danger, or who shut down whole countries due to a single positive test result, do so for the simple reason that they have no arguments left, and in their desperation throw punches blindly in every direction.

It is claimed Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time.” Those words are being proven true today. This has immense significance for us; ironically, it opens what Klaus Schwab calls the window of opportunity, albeit with exactly the opposite dynamic. As a result of their collapsing narrative, the credibility of those who led us into this situation is being buried more deeply day by day. This opens, for all of us, a unique window to initiate a thoroughgoing and comprehensive campaign to expose all lies propagated thus far.

The objective conditions for explaining to people the true background of the alleged pandemic, the world’s real power networks, and the actual dangers we face, were never as positive as now. And these conditions improve by the day; our opponents are forced to tie themselves up in increasingly ineffective lies. And even if the digital-financial complex succeeds in introducing their planned money system, that would not be the end of the world. Their plan requires a comprehensive system of enforcement. Its advocates will have to establish ever stricter price controls, raise the universal basic income again and again, and will be repeatedly forced into increasing inflation, which must in consequence lead to the growing impoverishment of the world’s people. And all this will bring the people into endless conflict with the state and its controllers.

We must be honest with ourselves. We face without doubt very turbulent and dangerous times, but we do hold an historical trump card. Its power lies in the fact that our opponents cannot act on reason; they are mad with greed and lust for power. They are thus compelled to lead themselves into ever more intractable difficulties. This is exactly what we should exploit, and never forget. Our opponents may well possess far more money and property, and on top of that all the world’s weaponry, but their power is based neither on their money, nor on their property, nor on their weaponry. Their power rests entirely on one single factor: ignorance. In other words, it exists only while the majority fails to see through the games the minority plays with them.

As shocking as everything the digital-financial complex and its followers have done in the past 18 months – and continue to do – is, they have manoeuvred themselves into a situation from which they can no longer escape, and because of which they are forced to cross more and more red lines. What that means for all of us is this: All we need to do in this exceptional moment is stay calm, expose their lies, and explain to others little by little why and by whom they’ve had the wool pulled over their eyes. If we succeed in that, and in doing so calmly remember the strength of our arguments, we will not only solve the world’s current problems, we will also accomplish much more than that. We will use humanity’s deepest crisis to take control of history’s reins and guide it towards a truly different future.

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