10 April 2023

Ideology: the enemy within


When you know with stainless-steel conviction you are wholly right in your worldview, any disagreement with your position is evil and may not be countenanced. Without knowing it, you have become the enemy within, but can only see enemies, potential or actual, everywhere else. This is the state of being of the ideologue.

Ideological fervour blinds us to nuance, causes us to react to any disagreement as unforgivable heresy, to react to pragmatic subtlety as malicious subversion, and so on. It has an hysterically narcissistic quality, as if the rest of reality must orbit our needs and wants as obediently as planets orbit the sun; anything less than total subservience is a flagrant attack. 

This is how I see The West. It is not, I should point out, how I see the West, which is in my view suffering, mostly unwittingly, a kind of mass Stockholm Syndrome as it struggles to survive and appease the insanity of its leaders, an insanity the West is still too afraid to face. I believe events are now overtaking us, though, and will soon force our eyes open.

“Free will is sacred” is a refrain I use perhaps too much. I also say “there is nothing but God”, also perhaps too much. These statements do not constitute ideological fervour; they instil in me a profound reverence for other people’s godliness, and a humble conviction that everyone must develop their own wisdom their way. Grass does not grow faster when you shout at it. Each of us is the creator of their own wisdom. The result is a uniqueness that makes us impossibly beautiful, beautiful beyond comprehension and description. This is what supports my assertion, or position, that Health <=> Love <=> Wisdom, a ‘trinitarian’ unity or symbiont that is the dynamic essence of reality, of “there is nothing but God”. 

What I see behind the rapidly collapsing West is a sickening or perverted rejection of this deepest truth. The collapse is bringing to the surface, for us all to see, accumulated poisons and bile we must confront and process before we can evolve to something healthier. It is a lengthy and horrible ordeal.

This deepest truth situates in each of us final responsibility for our own wisdom, our health, for the quality of our love. This responsibility is our duty, the service we can offer to the world, that we can offer to God, in glad reverence and humility, if we so choose. But the last thing this commitment is, is easy. We can only fail, repeatedly, to then be helped back to our feet to find our own unique way back to our path once again. 

Always find your way back to love.

“Love is unconditional. If it isn’t unconditional, it isn’t love.” (Tom Campbell) I cannot think of a more revolutionary truth.

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